Everyone knows there are certain factors that will always affect your mortgage: the market, banks and credit scores. What you might not know is that your age can affect your mortgage as well. Younger home buyers usually have more debt and less income than older home buyers while older home buyers may wish to pay … Continue reading “How Your Age May Affect Your Mortgage”
Category: Uncategorized
Convenient Items to Keep in Your Glove Compartment
Unfortunately, auto accidents can sometimes happen. You can make sure you are prepared by keeping these items in your glove compartment for easy access in the event of a collision. A pen and a small notepad can be very important in the event you are in an accident. Use this to write down important information, … Continue reading “Convenient Items to Keep in Your Glove Compartment”
Your Changing Insurance Needs
You may think that life insurance is only for people with children at home, or just for people with mortgages. But, it is actually a necessary protection at every stage of your life. When you are in your 20s, you are just starting your career. While you may not have many assets, you still should … Continue reading “Your Changing Insurance Needs”
5 Reasons You Might Want Life Insurance
Many people feel that life insurance in an unnecessary expense. However, if your lifestyle includes any of these five things, you might want to reconsider. 1: Spouse Your spouse is the most obvious reason for purchasing life insurance. If you were to die, would he or she have everything they need to financially keep their … Continue reading “5 Reasons You Might Want Life Insurance”